Saturday, July 31, 2021

Final Letter to My Boy Tuesday July 27, 2021

Oh how I love this boy of mine!!  I am so proud of him and all he has worked through during these last two years.  First to Mexico City for 7 months, then home for 3 months, then to Florida for 8 months, then back to Mexico for the last 6 months of his mission!  He has shown grit, perseverance and has fought through sickness, lock downs and having to find ways to serve all on his own.  He has proven to Heavenly Father through it all that his testimony is stronger than any trials that might be placed in his way.  Well Done Blake (Elder Markham)!  I will see you next Week!

 Dear Elder Blake, 

I hope you still get to read this. I knew you were going to the pyramids today, so I hoped you would get a chance to read emails when you got back later.

It's time. You have served well and have done everything Heavenly Father has asked you to do. ❤ Through all the turmoil this past 18 months has caused, you never complained and fulfilled your responsibility as a missionary with hard work, dignity and perseverance. You can be proud of all that you have accomplished. You went above and beyond in trying to find ways to serve, even though road blocks were thrown in your way. I am so proud of you, and I know Heavenly Father is as well. The people of Mexico have been blessed so greatly because of your service to them. They will miss you  but will always remember the blessings that you brought to them.

Good luck through this final week as you end another chapter in your book. You have been, and will continue to be a good leader when you come home. JJ and your younger siblings are counting on you. 

I can't wait to give you a big hug to welcome you home! Well done Blake!! ❤

Love Forever, 


Pictures of his final Zone Conference and his final Testimony given to his fellow Missionaries in the Mission Field,  "Well Done, Thou Good and Faithful Servant"


Hi Momma Tuesday July 27, 2021

 Hi Momma!!

Is this really the last email??? I can't believe it! The last two years went by super fast.

I've loved it all, but it's time. It's time to come home. I'm pretty darn exhausted! I learned so many great things, I've been with many great companions, and serving has brought such a great joy in my life, but I miss my Momma! 

This week we're helping out with the stake FSY for the youth, we're going to be helping them learn how to teach the first lesson from Preach My Gospel. I also have my last mission leadership council on Friday. So it's still going to be a busy week for my last one in the mission. Sunday is really my last day in the field since next Monday is the start of a new cycle and we'll be with President and Sister Parry all day. We have our exit interviews and they'll be feeding us. I'm not quite sure what else will be going on but I look forward to it. This last week was a bit rough haha! Most of our zone got sick so I was sent with them to the hospital since I wasn't feeling well either. I'll have to tell you the whole story of that later since it's a lot longer! But I ended up being able to go home that night, the rest had to stay a couple more nights. So I lucked out.

I'm writing this email the night before I send it since tomorrow I'll be at Teotihuacan! I love you! Thank you for all of your support through emails, calls, and pictures!! It's hard to believe that's it's all coming to an end 💔  I'm excited to see all of you! I'll see you when I get off the plane next week ✈❤

Love Elder Blake Markham

Final Email....? Tuesday July 20, 2021

 Family and friends,

Surprise!! This will be my last group email. It's tradition that President and Sister Parry take the missionaries that are going home to Teotihuacan for their second to last pday, but it was moved to next week instead of today! Knowing I probably won't have much time to write next week since we'd be getting back late, I'm making this the final email. So here it goes..

I'll start with the update to begin. Last week I had my last zone conference, I can't believe it! I gave my final testimony. I just can't believe how quickly that moment came. For the last couple of years I've been watching other missionaries going home give their last testimony, and I remember thinking, "It's still so long until I give mine." But it was a great zone conference to end on. President and Sister Parry´s anniversary was that same day so they celebrated with us by having cake.

We're looking forward to some ward activities that we're planning to help encourage everyone in the missionary work. It's been hard to schedule our meetings with everyone since they're so busy but our stake President has really been looking out for us. We are going to have an afternoon scheduled where the ward is participating in different games. It will be an opportunity for them to invite their friends and family. We've been planning it with our Bishop but we're still not exactly sure what day we'll have it. And we also scheduled appointments with visitors centers from around the world! We have them every weekend. It's also an opportunity for the stake to have a spiritual experience and so they can invite friends and family. We've done two already, one from Mexico City and the other from Washington DC. At both we had 50-60 people and everyone says they love them. Our next one this weekend will be done from London.

These last two years have certainly been an adventure I had no idea was going to happen. I'm grateful for it though. I got to meet so many different people from so many different places. I had opportunities to grow my faith and testimony. It was very hard but well worth it. I now get to carry this experience with me forever! The hardest may still be yet ahead for me, but I know enough now that the Lord will always be with me as I keep the commandments and Temple covenants. I think I'm more nervous about coming home than I was about coming on the mission haha! But it's time. It all comes to an end some day. I still remember my training so clearly. My time has been full of many changes and traveling. I guess I do enjoy traveling but the repetitive staying for a short time and going has really stressed me out and made me tired! But I'm happy that I'll get to spend a lot of time at home when I get back. As far as plans on returning home, I'm not sure about a lot of things, but I'll be starting school at BYU next January.

I know the Savior lives and loves us. I have a testimony that Heavenly Father sent His son to die for us. I know that the Book of Mormon is the single most powerful book that will draw us nearer to truth than any other book. Through it we can better understand Christ's role in all our lives, and we can gain a stronger testimony of His love for us. We go through many trying times but thankfully the Lord has provided a way out. If we look to Him then we will never need to doubt. Remember all of the things that He has done for you. When we look towards the positive we can better align our perspective with God's, and thus, our eye will be single to His glory and we will be filled with light. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Here is the final count of some things accumulated over the last couple of years!
Mission Presidents:3
Flights including all connecting:13
-In a companionship of three twice
-In a companionship of four once
-More than one area at once thrice
-Three months spent at home

Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers! And thanks for keeping up on group emails.

Take care!
I'll see you all soon!

- Elder Markham

3 Tuesday July 13, 2021

 Family and friends,

The final three! This surreal feeling is a little difficult to describe. Narrowing down on the last few weeks has me on edge. Ever since this last transfer began it has been slapping me across the face saying, "wake up, you're not staying here!" I know I've said it before, but for the longest time I've just felt like this is my life now. It's like you enter this trance where you think that life before the mission was just a dream and life after is an imagination, but it's clear that this is becoming more and more of a reality. So it's an interesting process.

Until it's over, I still have two more letters to write after this and I'll try to include some of the good things that have happened in the previous week!

We began teaching English classes. We've had one so far which went very well! Teaching English classes is one of those things that people like to call the "Ammon principle." Which means you're focused on serving first before you can expect anyone to be interested about the gospel. When Ammon did this, it led to the conversion of much of the Lamanite nation. So we'll see what happens!

I have my last zone conference coming up this week. I had my last normal interview with President Parry last week. My last interview will be the exit interview. All the in between that goes on really isn't too exciting since we sit in the Chapel all day to work, but I think there are many things that I get to learn even if I don't recognize it at the moment. I've learned at least a little bit more about how to use technology haha. That's something that I've never really been skilled in. Things like Facebook, slide presentations, teaching in zoom meetings, etc.. I'm still not always sure but it's going well for the most part.

Thank you all for your support!! It helps a lot and I hope you know that you're all part of the small miracles and blessings that I get to see!

Take care!
- Elder Markham

4 Tuesday July 6, 2021

 Family and friends,

This last week went by pretty quickly! A week ago, last Sunday, Francisco was not able to make it to Church for his confirmation, but thankfully he was able to this last Sunday so we were able to do it there! He is really excited to start preparing more for the temple. I remember when we taught him about the temple and he was really emotional because of what that meant for some of his family who has passed away. We are excited for him to go to the temple and do the work for them!

We've been struggling trying to help one family that we found on Facebook. This guy is really into the Bible and he was quick to accept help from us on using it better. But when we introduced the Book of Mormon, he got a little worried. All his life he has read the Bible and thought it was the only scripture. But now he is a little slow on accepting something else too. He says he will read it to find out for himself so we really hope he keeps that promise. It's been extremely hard trying to maintain contact with him. He brought his wife to Church last week and they seemed to really enjoy it. Everyone was really nice to them. They are a family of 10. But it's been pretty difficult getting along which seriously hinders the Spirit that can help them become closer. We obviously hope for the best and pray for them often!

It's been wonderful being able to learn more about the Lord's atonement and what that means for all of us. No matter what, we can look to Him in faith because of what He has done and because He descended below all things. Because of that, He knows how to lift us up. I really like the words that President Nelson has used when he said, "The Lord paid a debt that He did not owe, and we owed a debt that we could not pay." How wonderful it is to know how much our Savior loves us. His love for us is what took Him to the depths of such great suffering. At times, we might feel like we hit our "rock bottom," but always remember that Jesus Christ broke rock bottom and kept going into the unseen depths of eternal suffering. Not just once over, but for as many souls as we are from eternity to eternity. All of God's children that have lived, are living, and will ever live, Jesus Christ is the Savior of them all. He was alone, no one was with Him. I'm sure He knew of the kinds of places he needed to go in order to suffer, but knowing that He would walk it alone makes it that much harder to comprehend. I don't want to deny what the Savior has done for myself, or for others. I believe that's at least part of the reason why we ought to be kind and forgive one another. It's so that we don't deny what the Lord can do and how He can change others. If we don't forgive then we deny the Savior's atonement. I believe that if we walk with grudges like that up to judgment day in front of the Savior, we might very well fall to our knees and weep that we rejected the idea that the Lord can change others and change ourselves. I love Him, and I am forever grateful for Him.

Take care!
- Elder Markham

5 Tuesday June 29, 2021

 Family and friends,

It was a great start to the transfer this last week! We had Francisco's baptism and we continue to find more people to teach. Sunday was pretty cool actually! Originally we had only planned for a couple people to attend sacrament meeting but earlier in the morning we were able to get in contact with a few others and five of them came! It was great.

I don't remember if I mentioned it but a while ago we got to have a devotional as a mission with Elder Pingree of the Seventy. It was great! He talked about the gathering of Israel and it really brought a good energy! Then just the other day we had a devotional with a professor from BYU who teaches religion. He talked about the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum since it was the anniversary of that event. That was also exciting!! There isn't too much else going on so that's all for now!!

Take care!
- Elder Markham

6 Tuesday June 22, 2021

 Family and friends,

Wow! I have now entered the last transfer of the mission. Each transfer is 6 weeks so I figured I'll now just have the group email's title be how many weeks are left. It saves me a little time too haha!

It was a great week! We had Aracely's baptism on Saturday. She had asked me to do it so that was extra special! Then she was confirmed on Sunday in sacrament meeting. She really enjoyed the experience!! We're supposed to also have Francisco's baptism this Saturday. It is going fine but just last week he had lost his phone. His girlfriend who is a member had told us and she sent us his Facebook so we could try to get in contact with him there through his computer. That didn't really work. But just yesterday when we followed up with her she told us that he was there with her and we could do a quick video call! So we did and we were able to get back on track. He got a new phone so he gave us that number. We were really worried at first but now it should all be good. Last week was also a little more eventful than usual. An Elder in our zone got pretty sick. We got a call from them pretty late at night. Later our mission President told us to go over to their house. After we gave the Elder a blessing, my companion went to the hospital with the sick Elder and I stayed with his companion in their area. That was a pretty late night. Not quite as late as my companion who went with the Elder! They didn't get to bed until after 4:00AM. So that was rough. The next day my companion came back and switched with the sick Elder's companion. He got out of the hospital yesterday and he is back to normal so all is well! But since this transfer ended, I got a new companion, Elder Barraza from Sinaloa. He is great! It's just hard to believe that he will be my last.

That's it for this week! Take care!

- Elder Markham

Pictures of Blake's visit last week to Teotihuacan and various Companions and Missionaries in his Zone.